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The Zahm Report

Jon Zahm
Bush vs. Gore Debate #1
by Jon Zahm 10/5/2000

In a debate featuring men with two greatly contrasting styles, it is not surprising that analysts have come to differing conclusions about who performed the best. It is like judging a boxing match between a polished boxer who dances nicely and ducks away from a lot of punches and a slower, but harder punching fighter whose blows inflict more damage. It is a matter of judgement as to which style you prefer.

In this debate I would give the edge to Governor George W. Bush. He kept on track with his themes- "I trust the people- you trust the government," for example, and he landed the biggest punches of the night:"I know you invented the Internet, did you invent the calculator too" and expressing his disappointment in the Vice-President's use of the term "no controlling legal authority" as justification for making fund raising calls from the White House.

Vice-President Gore had a greater mastery of facts and figures, but that does not demonstrate character and leadership. He made two significant gaffes that have come out in the days after the debate. First, Florida school officials reprimanded Gore for his anecdote about a 15-year old girl who had no chair in class and had to learn standing up. Truth is, that situation only lasted for part of one day because she was a transfer student coming in at the last minute from another District.

The second misstatement (lie?) was when Gore claimed to have accompanied the FEMA Director on a trip to fire-ravaged Texas. It turns out that the Director was in Alaska then, not with Gore.

It looks like we will see the closest Presidential election since 1960. The next two debates may be pivotal in determining the winner. The key for both candidates will be avoiding the gaffe as much as scoring points. Anything close will be to the advantage of Bush because Gore is expected to do well due to his reputation as a strong debater.

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